Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
About Us
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to teach children to love God and love others as we follow Jesus together, as well as to lead children into a growing relationship with Christ through intentional relationships, and to make disciples who Connect, Grow, and Go.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to bring children to Christ.
Our Goals
- Encourage & Empower.
- Come alongside parents and help guide them spiritually as the lead their families.
- Introduce Jesus.
- Teach children the hope of the gospel and facilitate their encounter with Jesus.
- Develop World Changers.
- Grow children into Jesus followers who live out the Fruit of the Spirit, love unconditionally, and impact the kingdom.
Our Programs

Kid's Connection
Kids Connection is held on Sunday mornings during the morning worship service starting at 10:45 a.m. Kids are encouraged to join our Kids Connection service as we sing, hear Bible stories, and worship in a kid-friendly environment!

AFC (Agents for Christ) is held on Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. for preschool—6th grade kids. Join us as we study God’s Word through songs, games, and Bible stories.

Wednesday Evening Bible Classes
Wednesday evening Bible study classes are held for all ages (Preschool – 2nd grade, 3rd – 4th grade, and 5th – 6th grade). During that time, your kids will be discipled through the Word of God through Bible lessons and fun activities that help them apply the Word of God into their everyday lives.