"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord."
1 Peter 4:10-11
Love Out Loud Ministry
Our Love Out Loud Ministry Leaders
About Us
Our Purpose
The purpose of our Love Out Loud Ministry is to serve the local community by completing a variety of ministry service projects and holding events to share and show the love of God.

Worship/Media Team Ministry
Our Worship/Media Team Ministry Leader
Steven Fuller
About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to offer an excellent standard of praise and worship by practicing and developing our vocal and instrumental abilities to usher in the presence of God during each church service. We want to lead people into a new or growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of music, but also technical gifts. We will spread God’s Word through corporate worship, and audio and video technology, so that we can have a wider reach and greater engagement with
God’s people.
God’s people.
Our Purpose
- To glorify God.
- To lead our church to the Throne of God with hearts of praise and thankfulness.
- To focus hearts and minds on worship of the Almighty.
- Collectively lead members of the Body of Christ in corporate worship.
- Remind self and others, that we are called to worship.
Our Goals
- To create an intimate space between the congregation and the Lord, allowing Him to speak directly to their hearts in such a way they are drawn nearer to Him.
- To keep worship God-focused.
- To disciple other adults and youth to lead God’s people in worship.
Mustang Ministry
Our Love Out Loud Ministry Leaders
About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to share with others how working with and training Mustangs draws us closer to God. Through love, compassion, and steadfastness, the untouched and untamed wild horse learns to trust and have faith in us even during the most difficult situations. Because of this trust and faith, they make faithful and willing partners for life. Just as they have trust and faith in us, so too should we trust and have faith in Christ.
Our Purpose
- To minister to the needs of horsemen and others.
Our Goals
- To utilize our gifts and talents to edify the body of Christ.
- To empower and effectively minister to the needs of horsemen and others through witness, evangelism , and outreach, and to support the work of the Church.
Van Ministry
Our Van Ministry Leader

Johnny and Kristy Tate
About Us
Our Purpose
The purpose of our Van Ministry is to serve the local community by providing transportation for those in need to our Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday evening church services. We are committed to operating with excellence, serving with a GOD centered attitude, and being an example through our words and actions.
Our Wednesday Evening Meal Ministry Leader

Levon Lehr
About Us
Our Purpose
The purpose of our Wednesday evening meal ministry is to feed the hungry.