Women's Ministry

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

Psalm 139:14

Our Women's Ministry Leaders

Shelly Ickes

Women's Ministry Leader

Debbie Brooks

Women's Assistant Ministry Leader

Jennifer Weiser

Women's Bible Study Leader

About Us

Mission Statement

The Women’s Ministry seeks to glorify God through studying the word of God, supporting the Pastor’s vision, working with the other ministries of the Church, exemplifying our love for one another and expanding our outreach to women beyond the walls of Mission Baptist Church.

Our Purpose

  • To minister to the needs of women and cultivate a spirit of unity.
  • To empower women to seek a higher level of spiritual maturity in Christ through knowledge of biblical principles and doctrine.
  • To equip women for service within the Church.
  • To provide opportunities and encouragement for ministry within the community.
  • To create an atmosphere that fosters fellowship, support, encouragement and unity.

Our Goals

  • To utilize our gifts and talents to edify the body of Christ.
  • To empower and effectively minister to the needs of all women through witness, evangelism and outreach, and to support the work of the Church.