Our Thoughts

Our Thoughts
"You have an infinite future, therefore do not confine your thoughts to a finite present.”  Charles Spurgeon
Where do you feel your thoughts are most of the time? Are they in the right now fed by the emotions around you? Are they stressing about what you should have said at the moment? Are you thinking of different scenarios of what could happen, and then they never do?
What we think can affect the feelings in our heart. What we feel in our heart produces our character. If we have anxious thoughts, we have an anxious heart. If we have depressing thoughts, we have a depressed heart. We have angry thoughts, we have an angry heart. And vice versa right? Our hearts and our thoughts are connected, and they will reveal our character.
“The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart of only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5 (ESV)
Did you catch the “intention of the thoughts”? Intent is a purpose. What is it that we are being purposeful about in our thought process? We often let the emotion affect us at that very moment and let our thoughts take over from there. If we don’t think with a purpose behind it, and simply let our emotions take over, then the intentions of the world will come in and take over your thoughts and heart.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (ESV)
Transform your mind so it is not being shaped by the world. Transform your heart so you do not conform to the world. Renew your mind and heart to what is good, acceptable and perfect. Jesus is all of these things. He is good. He is accepting. He is perfect. Jesus sees the good in us. He accepts us just the way that we are, thoughts and all. Having salvation doesn’t mean that all of the bad feelings and thoughts go away, but it makes them endurable. Paul tells us that we will be tested, but we can have an awareness that what God has in store for us is so much greater than anything we have here on earth.
“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5 (ESV)
Each thought or emotion that comes through our hearts and minds is a chance to put our character to the test. A test that will come again and again because this world is not perfect and neither are we. We are able to take on the test because of God’s love in us.
God has given us the instruction manual on how to give our thoughts and emotion purpose. Will you allow it to intentionally grow your character?
Love y’all!
By:  Jennifer Weiser

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