Don't Waste What He Provides
Devotion from the Garden
“Don’t Waste What He Provides”
“What good is all of this if it isn’t used?” I think. I sat staring in awe of the beauty of this garden and the fruit it produced. BUT, without finding time to pick, clean and utilize the fruit of this garden… what’s the point? So I give it away if I can’t use it all, or pickle it to make jars of pickles for neighbors. I want to be a good steward of the food God has provided.
Likewise, what good is my faith if it is never put into practice? What good is the fruit I bear if I never put myself in a position for others to pick from it? John 15 calls me to a deep connection to the vine and through this I will produce fruit that will feed the weary as Jesus did. He calls us to this purpose… to feed His people. He says, “This is my Father’s glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8. Now I know He doesn’t just come out and say, “Feed my people,” in this verse. But, He does call us to the business of being His disciple, which means we are called to follow in His commands and character.
He, not only fed people physically (managed to feed 5000 with just a small basket of fish and bread), but He also feeds His people spiritually. He says, “I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die.” John 6:48-50. When He left behind the deposit, the Holy Spirit, He provided us with the Bread of Life that we should bear for others to eat.
Your life should be a constant overflow of Living Water for the thirsty, Bread of Life for the hungry, and Fruits of the Spirit for the weary. Don’t waste what God is bearing within you.

“Don’t Waste What He Provides”
“What good is all of this if it isn’t used?” I think. I sat staring in awe of the beauty of this garden and the fruit it produced. BUT, without finding time to pick, clean and utilize the fruit of this garden… what’s the point? So I give it away if I can’t use it all, or pickle it to make jars of pickles for neighbors. I want to be a good steward of the food God has provided.
Likewise, what good is my faith if it is never put into practice? What good is the fruit I bear if I never put myself in a position for others to pick from it? John 15 calls me to a deep connection to the vine and through this I will produce fruit that will feed the weary as Jesus did. He calls us to this purpose… to feed His people. He says, “This is my Father’s glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8. Now I know He doesn’t just come out and say, “Feed my people,” in this verse. But, He does call us to the business of being His disciple, which means we are called to follow in His commands and character.
He, not only fed people physically (managed to feed 5000 with just a small basket of fish and bread), but He also feeds His people spiritually. He says, “I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die.” John 6:48-50. When He left behind the deposit, the Holy Spirit, He provided us with the Bread of Life that we should bear for others to eat.
Your life should be a constant overflow of Living Water for the thirsty, Bread of Life for the hungry, and Fruits of the Spirit for the weary. Don’t waste what God is bearing within you.
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