Generational Sin vs. Generational Blessings
Devotion from the Garden 
“Generational Sin vs. Generational Blessing”
My garden, and the earth around it, is a chest of treasures waiting to be unearthed. My Pa and his family have lived in this area for many years. I often dig a hole meant for a plant and stumble across an artifact from long before I was alive. These bring me joy and remind me of the hard work that went into this land, so I could be a part of it today.
What are you leaving behind for those you love? The Bible is flooded with stories of people that left behind blessings for their children, but it also shares the misery of those that rooted generations of sinfulness. So, this devotion is for all kinds of kinds.
You want to break generational sin: Hezekiah desired to be a follower of God even after following his father Ahaz as king, who was an evil man. Read through 2 Chronicles and see the powerful testimony to a man that broke the mold. He proved that God can powerfully use those that have poor examples and what it means to be a Godly man that radically chases hard after God. So, IT CAN HAPPEN! You don’t have to be the one that came before you!
You aren’t the example of what you desire your children to see: Jesus tells the woman at the well, “Go and sin no more!” Desire true repentance; become a spiritual worshiper. Someone once told me that, “You have the right and responsibility to be different tomorrow than you were today.” Romans 6 tells us that you don’t have to be a slave to sin, because there is nothing but shame in it. But be set free by being a slave to God and experience eternal life in Jesus. As a teacher, I often get to see first hand the demons that families face. I pray for their fight and beg God to place a spirit of power and self-control within them. Maybe start with this prayer for yourself. And message me, I will pray for you… no judgement here!
You desire to bless your family and instill generations of power and righteousness: Proverbs 22:6 states, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Let your desire for Him overflow from the fountain of your soul into the generations below you. Also, fight for them! Proverbs 24:6 “For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Don’t let this be taken out of context… this is fight for them, not with them. The Bible warns that arguing is a tool of Satan’s, not a means of counsel. Love your family enough to go to the throne room of God for them and be willing to put in the time to show them Jesus in your daily life!
Don’t let Satan win the battle for your family, but instead abide in Him and take heart child… Your Father has already won the war!

“Generational Sin vs. Generational Blessing”
My garden, and the earth around it, is a chest of treasures waiting to be unearthed. My Pa and his family have lived in this area for many years. I often dig a hole meant for a plant and stumble across an artifact from long before I was alive. These bring me joy and remind me of the hard work that went into this land, so I could be a part of it today.
What are you leaving behind for those you love? The Bible is flooded with stories of people that left behind blessings for their children, but it also shares the misery of those that rooted generations of sinfulness. So, this devotion is for all kinds of kinds.

Don’t let Satan win the battle for your family, but instead abide in Him and take heart child… Your Father has already won the war!
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